Interview - Nicolas Cadeau – Groupe Luc Durand
Pour Nicolas Cadeau, la route du futur est avant tout une route durable :
Nicolas Cadeau - Conducteur de Travaux - Groupe Luc Durand
Nicolas Cadeau
Conducteur de Travaux - Groupe Luc Durand
On a passé un bon moment, vraiment. A deux pas du mythique circuit des 24h du Mans, nous avons retrouvé Nicolas Cadeau, conducteur de travaux dans le groupe Luc Durand. Il nous a donné rendez sur un chantier, disons-le, gigantesque et technique. Presque 4 kilomètres de bitume à poser sous la chaleur et les contraintes techniques. Rencontre avec un vrai guide, un magicien des polymères.
Nicolas Cadeau du Groupe Luc Durand, interviewé par Florian Martin, Journaliste « On The Road Again »
Title: Shell Cariphalte, On The Road Again – Nicolas Cadeau, Works manager at Luc Durand Group
Duration: 3:16 minutes
A video interview of the works manager of the Luc Durand Group: Nicolas Cadeau by Florian Martin, a journalist for the series “Shell Cariphalte, on the road again”.
[Background music plays]
Uplifting music
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Initial title showing the flipping pages of a book.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Hello everyone!
What a pleasure to see you
Florian martin – journalist « on the road again »
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
for this last encounter. And what an encounter it is! We are going to meet Nicolas Cadeau. He’s the works manager at Luc Durand, and we’re going to learn a lot once again. Come with me!
Video transition
[Video footage]
Florian meets Nicolas Cadeau on a logistic plateform of the Carrefour Group that the Luc Durand group is operating
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Hello Nicolas.
[Nicolas Cadeau, Works manager at Luc Durand]
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
What is this place? Where are we here Nicolas?
Nicolas Cadeau – Works manager at Luc Durand
[Nicolas Cadeau, Works manager at Luc Durand]
Well here we’re on a logistics platform for the Carrefour group. The logistics platform is quite impressive because of its size. There are 80,000 m≤ of covered buildings.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
8 hectares?
[Nicolas Cadeau, Works manager at Luc Durand]
8 hectares of covered building. And of course, with all the roads that are also needed, namely some 50,000 m≤ of roads.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
So how many km is that? About 1.5 km running the length of the building? 300 metres wide.
[Nicolas Cadeau, Works manager at Luc Durand]
300 meters wide, yes.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
So let’s say 3 or 4 km?
[Nicolas Cadeau, Works manager at Luc Durand]
Yes, in terms of straight lines it is more or less that.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
That’s a lot of work! Can you show me?
[Nicolas Cadeau, Works manager at Luc Durand]
No problem, let’s go!
Video transition
[Video footage]
They are walking on a freshly laid road in another section of the platform.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
So Nicolas, this surface was laid quite recently. It’s still somewhat sticky.
[Nicolas Cadeau, Works manager at Luc Durand]
It was done yesterday.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
[Nicolas Cadeau, Works manager at Luc Durand]
Yes, yesterday. Here we’re using a BBG010 formula with incorporation of 20% aggregate and Shell Cariphalte highway bitumen.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Why this choice?
[Nicolas Cadeau, Works manager at Luc Durand]
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Will there be heavy traffic here?
[Nicolas Cadeau, Works manager at Luc Durand]
This parking lot, among other things, is a truck parking lot with 80 spaces. With expected traffic of 350 trucks / day. All the work will be done using the motorway Cariphalte. Whether itís the access to the bays, the delivery roads, or the car parks. This is the product which corresponds best to the technical constraints and needs.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
On the site.
Video transition
[Video footage]
Both are standing on another part of the platform, which look like a pile of aggregates.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Can we imagine that one day, there’ll be a 100% recycled car park?
[Nicolas Cadeau, Works manager at Luc Durand]
We're totally ready! We’re ready to make formulas with 100% recycled materials. I would say that there’s an expectation from the labs, the prime contractors, and the contracting authorities,
which consists of a desire to move towards construction sites using 100% recycled materials.
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[Video footage]
Both are now on another part of the platform which is a road section.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Nicolas, we are on a section that is totally finished, the road markings are done. I have a question about the future and innovation. Will the roads of the future be connected, do you think? What will they look like in 30/40 years?
[Nicolas Cadeau, Works manager at Luc Durand]
The roads of the future, are already under construction. These roads use solar panels for energy, for lighting etc. Yes, I think they will be connected. The next 30/40 years seems a bit optimistic to me! You still have to lay the surfaces.
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[Video footage]
Florian meets Nicolas in what seems to be an office on the site.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Now for our traditional request! It’s very simple, I give you a pen, and you write a final comment for me.
Video footage
A close up on what Nicolas is writing on the book
[Nicolas Cadeau, Works manager at Luc Durand]
Thank you.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Thank you very much ! And in exchange, Nicolas I give you the Shell booklet "On the Road Again".
[Nicolas Cadeau, Works manager at Luc Durand]
Thank you very much for your visit.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Thank you
[Nicolas Cadeau, Works manager at Luc Durand]
See you soon.
Video transition
[Video footage]
We see Florian on a small engine which is use to smooth the asphalt.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Once again, we learned loads of stuff with Nicolas. For the last shoot, before leaving, I want to show you some fun. I'm going to do some automotive testing. And not just any old tests either!
Come on!
Home James!
[Background music plays]
Uplifting music
[Animated sequence]
End credit the Shell logo
Pour Nicolas Cadeau, la route du futur est avant tout une route durable :
« Il faut être honnête. Même si cela ne va pas forcément dans notre sens et la multiplication des chantiers, la route de demain sera celle qui durera le plus dans le temps. Une question de fiabilité et de durabilité, c’est certain. Après, il faudra qu’elle soit aussi de plus en plus connectée avec l’automobiliste, pour lui assurer une meilleure sécurité sur la route lors de longs trajets par exemple… »
Les propos recueillis auprès des tiers ne sauraient être interprétés comme étant la position de Shell ni engager la responsabilité de Shell à quelque titre que ce soit.